I know who loves me
I know who loves me, Jesus, my Jesus, I know who loves you, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. I know who saved me, Jesus, my Jesus, He will save you too, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. He has redeemed me, Jesus, my Jesus, He will redeem you, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. He holds me up, Jesus, my Jesus, He will hold you up, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. He has cleansed me, Jesus, my Jesus, He will cleanse you too, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. He has made me holy, Jesus, my Jesus, He will make you holy, Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves me, he is Jesus, my Lord, My Lord loves you, he is Jesus, my Lord. | TOP 20I know who loves me Знајте дека Господ го запазил Својот светија MACEDONIAN MUSICAL - THE GREAT STORY OF LOVE - # 21 IF YOU COUNTED ALL THE GOLD Зашто Бог толку го засака светот |